Joining a fraternity/ sorority has countless benefits and gives you the opportunity to be a part of a remarkable experience during your collegiate years. 从领导力发展, 社会交往, 学术责任, 公民参与, 这些特点可以在我们的姐妹会和兄弟会中找到. 兄弟会和姐妹会的生活将给你提供在校园和社区服务的机会.



招聘是所有校园组织的生命线. 而招聘的术语和方法不同, 所有组织都寻求增长,以保持他们在校园的存在.



It is normal to have some doubts when making of the best decision and a life long commitments in your college career. 我们希望这些常见问题解答将解决您的一些问题!


A: 希腊的组织是一群因共同的目标和价值观而团结在一起的人. It is referred to as a Greek organization because the name consists of Greek letters; however, 有些组织的名字并不完全由希腊字母组成. 这些纽带是通过历史仪式建立起来的. 仪式是兄弟组织成员之间的共同经历. The more common language used when referring to Greek-letter organizations are fraternities (for men) and sororities (for women). These organizations have values and purpose that they 工作 to instill in their members through their everyday activities.



A: 酗酒是不健康的,也不符合兄弟会/姐妹会的理想. 所有的兄弟会/姐妹会都应该维护国家, 县, 城市法律, 还有学校关于饮酒的政策. Alcohol consumption has never been a requirement for Fraternity or Sorority 会员 and there are a significant percentage of FSL men and women who do not drink. 任何兄弟会或姐妹会都不允许为成员购买酒精.



A: Students often find managing their time difficult when moving from the highly structured high school environment to the freedoms of college. Fraternities and sororities assist in that transition by offering scholastic programs which might include study partners, 学习时间, 时间管理工作坊, 考试和试卷库, 和奖学金. Members can access the net工作 of Fraternity and Sorority members who already know how to use campus resources like the library, 学习技能中心, 计算机实验室, 以及学术顾问. LC Fraternity and Sorority organizations all have minimum GPA requirements for their members and will help each member achieve it, 尽管成员最终仍负责利用所提供的资源.


A: LC and every 兄弟会和姐妹会fe organization has a firm stance against hazing as it is easily the most dangerous and destructive practice that an organization can take part in. Although many people automatically associate the term "hazing" with the idea of mistreating or abusing new members, 任何成员都可能成为欺侮的受害者. Hazing can be defined as singling out an individual or group of people and forcing them to do something that is psychologically, 身体上的, 或者是情感上的伤害或伤害. Potential members of fraternities and sororities should never be forced to do anything they do not feel comfortable doing.



A: 每个分会通过向所有会员收取会费来自给自足. 在成为会员的第一年,要评估一些一次性费用. 在这些初始付款之后,会员的唯一费用将是他/她的常规会费. 这笔费用用于支付校内体育活动, 社区服务项目, 奖学金, 房子的保养, 以及提供的数十种社交活动. 通常会提供多种付款方案.



A: 友谊不是可以买卖的商品. 兄弟会和姐妹会建立基于共同兴趣的终身友谊, 目标, 信仰与尊重. 




A: Research has shown that involved college students are more likely to graduate and they report greater satisfaction with their college experience. 通过兄弟会和姐妹会的参与, 会员将学习如何平衡他们的学业, 工作, 校园的参与, 以及社会承诺. Members of the 兄弟会和姐妹会fe community are highly encouraged to participate in any event, 项目或会议,只要不与学术要求冲突. 运动员, 军乐队成员, 剧院的学生, and students studying architecture or engineering are just a few examples of students with large time commitments who regularly join fraternities and sororities. 



A: Parents can be supportive and learn as much as possible by asking questions of your student as they meet people through the recruitment process. 兄弟会和姐妹会的成员会非常乐意告诉你他们的团体. 家长有机会参加每个分会举办的许多家庭活动. Most chapters keep family members up to date on chapter news through newsletters or other means as well.



A: 兄弟会和姐妹会Fe提供了大学课程所不提供的一切——社交技能的发展, 领导机会, 从学习中休息一下, 和有趣的! 每个兄弟会和姐妹会都有许多社交活动, 慈善项目, 研讨会, 还有更多——所有这些都是为了帮助你和你的简历, 这样你才能成功. 除了, 每个国际/国家兄弟会和姐妹会都有一个既定的慈善事业, 或者社区服务项目, 这样可以为慈善机构筹集资金. These philanthropies are carried out by member chapters at various universities all over North America. 社区服务项目允许分会回馈社区. These nationally designed service projects make up only a small percentage of the service projects actually carried out by 兄弟会和姐妹会fe communities. These community service event projects are fun and often double as social events because chapters regularly donate their time and energy to events sponsored by other organizations.



A: 而大多数新成员班主要由大一新生组成, 任何班级的学生(无论是大一新生), 二年级学生, 初级, 高级, (甚至研究生)在兄弟会和姐妹会生活社区是受欢迎的. 你决定什么时候加入取决于你自己. Some people like to get acquainted with campus and the college life before entering into the 兄弟会和姐妹会fe community. 其他学生认为兄弟会和姐妹会生活是帮助他们做到这一点的一种方式. 



A: Fraternities and sororities are comprised of men and women from varied backgrounds and interests and must they learn to respect each other's' individuality and differences. 出于这个原因,兄弟会和姐妹会的男女都非常全面. 兄弟会和姐妹会fe communities offer limitless opportunities for individual growth and development.


问:希腊男人和女人只在一起聚会. 他们根本不在乎对方. 

A:Fraternity men call each other "brother" and sorority women call each other "sister" because they are part of a fraternal family. 通过他们的兄弟会和姐妹会成员, 他们培养了一种家庭意识和终身友谊. 成员们互相提供难以置信的情感支持和一个家外之家.



A: 许多成员都参加了全校范围的宗教团体. 任何FSL组织都不应该阻止学生实践他/她的信仰.



A: 与FSL社区内外的学生互动一直在发生. Friends are made in a number of different ways and members of the 兄弟会和姐妹会fe community are encouraged to make cross council friendships and friendships with students who may not be affiliated with a fraternal organization. 



威尼斯人娱乐城大学 seeks to promote a safe environment where students may participate in activities and organizations without compromising their health, 安全, 或福利. 任何形式的欺侮都是违法的,在威尼斯人娱乐城是严格禁止的. 当这个政策被违反时, 可能对所有参与者采取行动, 包括潜在的新成员. 防止欺侮是大学社区每个成员的责任. 每个组织, 以及每个人, 必须接受维护社会基本价值观的个人义务吗.

任何人经历, 见证, or with knowledge of a violation of this hazing policy is responsible for reporting the incident and may bring their concerns to:

Dr. 克里肯纳
(706) 880-8112

乔治亚州现行的欺侮法(G.S. 16-5-61) makes it “unlawful for any person to haze any student in connection with or as a condition or precondition of gaining acceptance, 会员, 办公室, 或者在学校组织的其他职位.“任何做法, 仪式, 行为, 或者是就职仪式, 要求或允许精神或身体上的痛苦, 是被禁止的. 具体地说, 欺凌被定义为任何采取的行动或造成的情况, 有意或无意, 校内或校外, 哪些可以合理地预期会产生精神或身体上的不适, 尴尬, 骚扰, 嘲笑, 违反学校规章制度的行为, 违反上级组织的法律或政策和/或违反任何地方, 状态, 和/或国家法律. 所有威尼斯人娱乐城及当地的规章制度, 状态, 国家法律应取代国家或地方组织的政策. All assessments as to the appropriateness of an action will be considered within the context of the standards of the total college community.

被认为是欺侮的活动应包括以下一种或两种要素:(a)胁迫, 公开的或隐蔽的, (b)对参与者或观众产生身体或精神上的不适. Such activities suggested by a group or a member of a group to potential new members will be considered covert coercion even if the activity is said to be "voluntary." It shall be a violation for any person to haze any student in connection with or as a condition or precondition of gaining acceptance, 会员, 办公室, 或者是大学组织的其他职位.
